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Credit by Demonstrated Mastery (CDM)

Credit by Demonstrated Mastery (CDM) is the process by which a student may earn credit for a high school course by demonstrating a deep understanding of the content; without course enrollment or seat time.

Who may participate in the CDM process?

While any NC public school student who is able to show a deep understanding of the content without seat time and classroom learning experience can benefit from CDM, the structure is specifically intended for highly advanced students of specific content areas. Students do not need to be identified as AIG to attempt the CDM process.

What does the process look like?

CDM consists of a multi-phased assessment:

  • Phase 1: Student examination demonstrating foundational knowledge, using an EOC, NCFE, CTE or other LEA exam.  Students must score a 90% correct on the final exam or Level V on an EOC assessment.
  •  Phase 2: Student artifact demonstrating application of knowledge, such as Capstone Projects in CTE courses, interview, or project.  These projects are specifically designed by content area experts in the particular field of study.

When does this process begin?

There are 3 exam windows determined by the state each year to begin the multi-phase assessment process.

  •    Fall window 
  •     Spring window 
  •    Summer window 

How do I begin the process?

See your counselor for the Student-Family Agreement Form.  This application contains information about the CDM process that families will need to review before making a decision to attempt CDM.  The application also provides the information needed for schools to prepare the multi-phase assessment process. For questions about CDM, please contact your grade-level guidance counselor.